Hello and thanks for visiting my blog Discerniblevim
My name is Brad. I have just started this blog (January 2012) as an intersection of a few interests; social media, fitness, nutrition, health and spirit.
I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself so you know how I arrived at this intersection, what it means to me and what I hope it can mean for you.
Why fitness, nutrition and health?
There have been three areas of my life that have been influencers: medical, work ethics, and lack of attention to mind, body and spirit
I found out in 2004 that I have an allergy to wheat and gluten called
Celiac Disease. I had been unable to gain weight for several years and
at that time was approximately 135 lbs. To summarize Celiac Disease,
there is a protein called gluten that exists in wheat and many other
grains that when introduced to the digestive system activates the body's
immune system causing it to damage or destroy the tiny villi which
absorb food nutrients through the intestinal wall and into the
bloodstream. This was a life changing event for me, not only because of
the poor health condition I was in, but because I new what was affecting
my health and could begin a positive journey to rebuild.
Other factors contributed to my health deficit during earlier years as well. My complete focus on work as a result of my values and aspirations lead me to overlook fitness, nutrition, health and spirit.
In many circles, this routine would receive accolades for effort, diligence and professionalism. Strangely enough, I felt good about what I was doing. I felt as though I was "doing the right thing". I'm not sure, but I have this impression that society applauds and rewards sacrifice. Something to think about... I know I do. We have to be conscious of what we are sacrificing ... body and spirit?
Why social media?
There are two reasons I have taken interest in social media: as an adjacent career move and as an avenue to share my passion of fitness, nutrition, health and spirit with others who aspire or have the same interest.
My career has taken a raged path of serving nine years in the Navy, employed with a company for 14 years upon which offices were moved from east coast to west coast (I live on the east coast), changing industries a few times to remain located on the east coast, to then be caught up in an employer's reduction in force due to the economic down turn that began in 2008. I have had fourteen years in marketing and product management roles but had found it difficult to cross into other industries where I live. I have found industry experience to be key criteria for product management roles even though the skill sets are common across industries.
Consequently, I see social media as an adjacent marketing skill set to what I already maintain and see this blog along with its relationships to Facebook and Twitter as a means to get started.
There have been some dynamics that have influenced my life experience and put me on a journey of Fitness, Nutrition, Health and Spirit. So I welcome you to participate in my blog as I share my new knowledge and experiences and hope that in some way it contributes to a better life for you as well.
P.S Some further background:
I have a bachelors degree in Vocational Education, a masters degree in Human Resource Education and a masters degree in Business Administration.
I have worked in Medical Imaging, Medical Device, Aerospace and Commercial Building industries.